The Hydro-Kinetic wastewater treatment system incorporates our advanced aerobic treatment process into a durable, watertight polyethylene tank. Featuring our innovative Bio-Film Reactor technology, the Hydro-Kinetic Green produces the cleanest, most consistent effluent quality. The Hydro-Kinetic Green is designed for strict local regulations in areas where excessive nitrogen is a concern. In coastal areas, nitrogen is a threat to the aquatic life, wildlife and recreational use. Nitrogen is reduced to less than 10 mg/L by the Hydro-Kinetic Green system which is lower than the USEPA’s standard for drinking water. This demonstrates our system’s superb treatment performance.
The Hydro-Kinetic Green system meets or exceeds regulatory standards and is performance certified and listed by NSF International to Standards 40 and 245. During its successful completion of both CAN/BNQ 3680-600 and NQ 3680-910 tests, the Hydro-Kinetic Green system:
Achieved unmatched effluent results of 3 mg/L CBOD (Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand), 2 mg/L TSS (Total Suspended Solids) and a 67% reduction of TN (Total Nitrogen).
Achieved an effluent quality of 2,200 CFU/100 ml fecal coliform without UV disinfection and 2 CFU/100 ml fecal coliform with UV disinfection. With the addition of the Phos-4-Fade filter, the system achieved effluent results of 0.14 mg/L Total Phosphorus.
The integral support ribs insure the structural integrity of the Hydro-Kinetic Green tank, while it efficiently and automatically pretreats, aerates, flow equalizes and filters the wastewater. The quality of the treatment process is protected by our patented non-mechanical, demand use flow equalization device, as well as our revolutionary Bio-Film Reactor.